A few updates with our store:
We are currently low or out of stock on MANY items. This is a horrible thing for a store, but it means that the business is doing awesome. I'm trying to keep on top of reorders as fast as possible, but unfortunately some wholesale companies only let me order once per month.
Here is the rundown on some of our popular items:
Moby Wraps are currently sold out, but our next order will be here by the end of the month.
BumGenius! 3.0 diapers are low (as usual). They come in, and go so fast! As of right now, we have 4 of each for the bright colors.
Flip diapers are completely sold out! They were gone in just ONE day. Our next order should be here in February, and we will have both organic and stay dry, as well as disposables in stock.
BumGenius! Diaper Detergent is running low (I have ONE box left).
Wahmies wet bags are back in stock, as well as Wahmies pail liners. I'm working with my website on restocking them. If you would like to know the colors and patterns we have in, please contact me.
Sudzy Baby Healing Hemp Balm is out again, and more should be here by the beginning of February.
Most importantly, for the reminder of the month (including pre-orders placed this mont for products that will be arriving soon) 50% of our proceeds will benefit victims of Haiti. Look for more information to come!