Monday, July 27, 2009

Please take a moment and say a prayer for 8 month old baby Stellan and his family. He is not well, and suffering very badly through this battle he is facing (click on image for more info). Thank you.
Prayers for Stellan

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Friday, July 17, 2009


Hi all!

It's that time of year, when myself and the GCM staff enjoy a luxurious week off! This year (as all other years in the past) we're headed to San Deigo, California from Saturday July 18th through Saturday July 25th. 

Please note that ANY orders placed during that time frame will NOT ship out until Monday the 27th. Sorry, yet again for the frustration!

Thank you for your patience with all the orders that were delayed this week due to our move. We're happy in our new place... but it's soooo strange having the items in different locations. It's a little harder to keep track of items, but we'll have it down in no time. Yes, we are still available for local pick up and demonstrations. Our store will be moving to it's permanent location come October of this year. 

Enjoy your summer... we're sure we'll enjoy ours!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Low Bum Genius Numbers... again!

Hello all!

The website makes it very clear... but just to reiterate: we are currently OUT of dark pink (zinnia) and light green (grasshopper) Bum Genius 3.0 Diapers. Hopefully our next order will be here soon.

Thanks for supporting me as a work at home mom! Even though it's a pain to be out of diapers, I'd rather be selling than not!

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Store Update

Hi everyone!

Our store is MOVING this weekend. We won't be in our permanent location until November... but until then, we're packing up, and will be located with the in-laws for a while!  

Due to the move, all orders that are placed Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (July 9-12th) will NOT ship out until Monday July 13th. As usual, all orders will ship USPS Priority and should arrive in no time. Pick up orders placed from the 9th-12th will also be available for pick up anytime after Monday July 13th. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Local pick up's will still be available while we are at the in-laws. The house is only about 1/2 mile from where we were before, so it should make no difference. I will still have a room "boutique" that the store will be ran out of. 

Thanks for your understanding!!!

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